Guidelines to Sell/Rent Your Home


Please note the following policies with regard to the sale/renting of homes in our community.
Failure to abide by these policies will result in denial of guest entry privileges and/or fines levied against the residence.
Gaining entry into the community:
The Homeowner should inform the Management Office that you are selling your home. All appointments to view a home must be made through the Homeowner or their listing agent. Agents are not permitted to use a resident’s clicker.
Our documents Article XIII Section 6 state: “No signs, except as approved by the Architectural Control Committee, shall be placed, erected or displayed on any unit lot; provided however a “For Sale” or “For Rent” sign no larger than eighteen (18) inches by eighteen (18) inches shall be permissible.”
Please do not place ‘House for Sale/Rent’ or ‘Open House’ signs in the entrance or other sections of our community, as they will be removed.
Open Houses:
Our Homeowners Association supports our policy of no open houses. This is for security reasons. We cannot permit access to our community to persons that may never intend to see the home for sale. Potential buyers will not be granted open entry. The guards will not just let drivers in who say they are ‘going to the open house’. An owner or realtor may show the house for sale by appointment. All potential buyers must be granted access through phone call, voice mail, or guest list. All buyers will need to show identification and have their tag numbers recorded by the guard.
Our Management Company, Atlantis Management, can provide you with the estoppels and lien information you require. Once the closing has taken place or the residential lease has taken effect, you may obtain clickers or barcodes at the Management Office.

Owners wishing to allow a Real Estate agent or Agency must adhere to the following procedures:
a. How Realtors gain access to show Property in Embassy Lakes when the Owner resides at the property:
1. Owner adds listing agent’s name to permanent guest list
2. Owner adds listing agent’s name to voice mail
3. Owner is called at home and admits Realtors

b. How Realtors gain access to show Property in Embassy Lakes when the Owner does not reside at the property:
1. Owner adds listing agent’s name to permanent guest list
2. Owner adds listing agent’s name through voice mail system
3. Any persons may be allowed entry per standard practice per voice mail

c. How Realtors gain access to show property in Embassy Lakes if the property has been transferred to a relocation company:
1. Relocation Company submits copy of Relocation Agreement and formal letter requesting to be added to   permanent guest list
2. Previous owner provides authorized Relocation agent with their security code and voice mail phone numbers
3. Authorized agent uses voice mail system to admit Realtors. Under no circumstances shall a Realtor be admitted to the property unless that Realtor has been added to the permanent guest list or has been given temporary access through the voice mail system.  Business cards and/or identification are not an acceptable means for entrance into Embassy Lakes.

We wish to maintain our high property values, our desirable location and provide the measures of security that a gated community requires.

Your anticipated cooperation is greatly appreciated.